

For more detailed information about all the treatments available please visit my treatments page. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any queries not covered in FAQs.


Initial treatment and Consultation

(60-70 minutes) £70

Follow up sessions

(45-60 minutes) £50

Course of 3 Follow up Sessions £135

Payment required at booking

(45-60 minute sessions) Use within 6 weeks.

This allows for weekly or bi weekly sessions. The aim of this course is to make it more affordable for those that need acupuncture more frequently.

Discovery Call (15 Minutes). Free

Nutritional Packages

50% deposit required at booking

Gut Health Plan £170

1 Initial

1 Follow up

Stress Management Plan £170

1 Initial

1 Follow up

Discovery call (15 Minutes). Free

Nutrition 1-1

50% deposit required at booking

Nutrition Initial Consult and protocol  £120

These sessions are split into 2 parts. Nutrition consult (30 minutes) and protocol delivery (60 minutes). Ideally these need to be spaced apart by a minimum of 5 days.

Nutrition Follow up £65

(50 minutes)

Discovery call (15 Minutes). Free


Reflexology initial treatment:

only needed if you have not had a previous acupuncture session with me (60-70mins) £70

Reflexology follow up

(45-60mins) £55

Auricular Acupuncture

(NADA protocol)

NADA treatment

(45-60mins) £45

Clinical Qigong

Course of 3 required

Please book these sessions separately. Full payment will be required at your first session.

(50minutes) £135

Terms and Conditions

Missed or cancelled appointments (with less than 24 hours notice) will be charged at full price.

All nutrition therapy deposits including packages and plans are non refundable, however pre paid sessions can be rescheduled if more than 24 hrs notice has been given. Acupuncture courses are non refundable and must be used in the time frame stated. Shelley Osborne-Shaw reserves the right to reschedule sessions due to unforeseen circumstances.

Let's Talk

You can book your sessions online at the click of a button!

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